There is absolutely no doubt that the Covid-19 lockdown in the UK has had a huge impact on the recruitment industry. We have been amazed to see how quickly many agencies adapted to the challenge, introducing video interviewing and trying to carry on as best possible.
But there is a huge challenge ahead. We wanted to put together some tips, that will hopefully help in a tiny way to get our industry back on track:
1) Reconnect with Your Clients
Your first port of call should be the regular clients you typically rely on each month. They’ll of course be struggling themselves to get their business back on track, however just letting them know you’re back in business helps start the conversation again.
2) Start Conversations with Candidates
If you were speaking to great candidates before the lockdown then it’s time to get back in touch. Their position might have changed, they may be more eager than ever to move, have decided to stay put or been made redundant and be desperate for work.
3) Make the Necessary Adjustments
Of course social distancing will be in place for some time, so you know you’ll need to make adjustments to how you work. Think about your workspace as well as different softwares you can use for communicating with clients and candidates.
4) Resume Marketing Activities
If you paused your marketing activity during the lockdown then it’s time to get things back on track. Your spend will of course depend on the budget you can afford, however it’s important that you still have a presence. Make sure your message to market is right, acknowledging the situation while still keeping things positive.
5) Be Sensitive to the Situation
Every business will be dealing with their own stresses, as will your candidates, so be sensitive to the differing situations. For example, if you had offers on the table beforehand that you hope to still make happen, respect if decisions have changed, to ensure your reputation stays intact.
6) Consider Evolving Your Offering
Think about positive ways your business could change. For example, if you’ve always focussed on perm positions, is now the time to consider how the temp market could help your business grow?
7) Review Your Outgoings
When you first started out you kept overheads low, and during a time like this it can be good to go back to basics and review this again. Take a look at every expense, from stationery to job boards, as well as discounts or grants you could get for the bigger costs, such as rent.
8) Expand Your Skillset
If you’re struggling at first to get jobs on and you find yourself with spare time then why not take the opportunity to expand your skillset? It could be learning more about how to market your business, or developing your leadership skills. Taking an online course can help you feel more positive and focussed on kickstarting your recruitment business.
9) Go Easy on Yourself
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted businesses and individuals in so many different ways. Kickstarting your recruitment business will take time. So give yourself the time you need to get the business you’ve worked so hard to build, back on its feet. We’re here to help in any way we can.
10) Need Help with Finance?
We offer 100% Recruitment Funding. If you think this could help your business during these difficult times then get in touch and we’ll talk you through the whole process. We’re proud to be a part of the recruitment industry and we’re here to help in any way we can to get it back on track.