10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity

17 Aug 2021

Recruitment Advice

Are you feeling a little burnt out right now? After the events of the last few years it’s really no surprise!

Here are a few ways you can give your productivity a boost!

1) Work Flexibly

Though the standard day is 9 to 5 that doesn’t mean it works for everyone.

If you find working in the evening more productive than working in the morning then, if possible, why not adjust your day accordingly?

Forcing yourself to work when you’re feeling completely burnt out simply won’t work so be kind to yourself.

2) Remove Distractions

There are so many distractions in the world these days, namely from our smartphones.

Remove your phone from your workspace so it’s near enough to hear any calls coming through, but far enough away so you can’t reach it for an endless scroll.

Add time restrictions to apps that are problematic for you to understand how long you’ve been using them and to help you stay on track.

3) Use Technology

There are so many recruitment tools out there that can help you improve the processes within your recruitment agency.

Whether you want to automate LinkedIn messages to new businesses or use a bot to answer frequently asked candidate questions, consider how much time it could save you.

Any technology used should of course be looked at from the client and candidate perspective to ensure it improves their interactions with your agency.

4) Work Collaboratively

If you’ve spent the past year working in isolation at home then working with a colleague or another business owner might just be the boost your productivity needs.

Try creating a group project with others within your recruitment agency to help everyone stay on track with a joint goal.

5) Set Goals

Goal setting has to be one of the most effective ways to boost your productivity!

Set short, medium and long term goals to ensure you can stay on track and always have a wider target to work towards.

6) Consider Outsourcing

Often when we’re low on productivity it’s simply because we have too much to do and it’s overwhelming.

Consider the benefits of outsourcing certain functions within your business to free up your time for what’s more important.

Here at New Millennia we offer a complete recruitment back office function, taking finance and administrative duties off your hands!

7) Tackle the Hard Tasks

Take on that difficult task that you’re avoiding!

Putting it off can lead you to be less productive and in turn end up procrastinating more than you usually would.

Tackle it at a time when you’re at your most productive, morning or afternoon, and get it ticked off your list!

8) Go Prepared

At the end of each day make a plan of what you’re going to work on the following day.

If you’re feeling low on productivity in the morning you’ll get a boost when you see a clearly laid out list of tasks that need completing.

9) Track Your Tasks

Assess how productive you actually are by tracking your tasks — you might be pleasantly surprised!

If you can see where time is being lost and what kills your productivity you can adjust your processes to create a better way of working.

10) Get a Good Night’s Sleep!

It might sound like an obvious one but it’s so important for your productivity.

Getting a good night’s sleep has many benefits for your health and wellbeing, and has been scientifically proven to boost your productivity.

So stop burning the midnight oil and get a good night’s sleep tonight!

coffee clock

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